Approve Widget

General Information

The Pleenk Approve widget can be embedded anywhere to trigger a Pleenk Approve notification. This widget is either an iframe or a link pointing to the Pleenk app.


pw_confidentiality_walletUUIDConfidentiality wallet ID where the widget is loaded.No
pw_userStringMarketplace internal reference (this may be the identifier for the connected user or a unique ID for the Approve request). This information will be sent back in the Approve notification message.No
pw_requestPleenkApproveRequestPleenk Approve request. Examples:

- age_over_18
- age_over_18,gender=F
- gender=F,resident_country=FRA
signatureStringWidget signature to ensure that the provided information is certified by the marketplace.No


  • Type: APPROVE
  • Data:
    • userRef: pw_user from the request.
    • request: pw_request from the request.
    • result: A map listing the outcome for each component of the Pleenk Approve request.